Day 2 : Elk (Introducing Wildlife Wednesdays)

In addition to my face-a-day project for 2013, may I declare henceforth Wildlife Wednesdays! There are many faces outside of the realm of homo sapien, so why  not intertwine my love of nature with this project?

Today I present to you the first of my wildlife face sketching for this year. I took this photo in November at Fossil Rim. There were loads of neat critters there– perhaps more that may debut on future wildlife Wednesdays. I relish combining my photography enthusiasm with art — it’s a great source for reference.


I find it interesting to compare the proportions of an animal’s face to that of a person. I can definitely use more practice. After the 15 minute pencil frenzy concludes, I’m able to critically assess my errors. Most notably, I created too much space between the bottom of the eyes and the top of the nose. Better luck next time, Mr. Elk! If you are, in fact, an elk…