2013: Year of Making Faces and Spaces


Another year is upon us!

2013 will be the year of faces. Each day I aim to sketch, draw, or paint a new face. Today I kick it off by debuting the first public piece of progress of my current painting. (This piece is NOT finished yet.) A work in progress seems a symbolic way to start this project as the project as a whole is not going to be a series of completed fine pieces but instead a pattern of practice. The goal is to accelerate the path to my potential. From day to day there will be variation in subject matter, medium, detail, and style — often it may be  a 15 minute face. The common thread is face and repetition.  You, my dear audience, provide an extra layer of incentive and accountability for me to stay dedicated to this potentially monotonous endeavor.

My second goal of the year is to discard and/0r organize at least one unneeded belonging each day. In that same vein of making space I hope to start selling more of my creations this year so that my heightened progress doesn’t lend itself to hoarding. The more I make, the more I need to sell. Soon my etsy store will be open so keep a look out!

Here’s to hoping 2013 is the most productive and fulfilling year yet! Check back each day  to see a new face. If you’re interested in having your face become a part of this project, stay tuned learn more how you can participate. Happy new year!