The Guitarist [Commission]

This piece is a good representation of the last several weeks — a fervent blur of intense focus on one particular aspect of life. Also there is a more introspective, determined yet non-confrontational aspect of this piece — which is somewhat akin to my creative introversion lately.

I do intend on staying somewhat regular with my blog postings but not to the degree with which I began the year. This portrait project is being adapted to fit having a more balanced lifestyle which allows me to work towards multiple goals — not all of which are creative nor public.

When it comes to my projects, I generally tend to dive right in and become completely focused on the artistic task while letting a lot of other aspects of my life stay a little frayed. So– if you remember– for 2013 I made two goals. The first was to work on faces and the second was to work on purging clutter I don’t need and improving my organization in general. So I’m switching gears a bit lately to take a turn on focusing on the latter.

Just like the guitarist I’m strumming away and honing in. Right now you cannot hear my song, but you will with time.