Day 22 : Katrina

Tonight I attended my first meeting at the Irving Art Association. Tonight we had a guest speaker, Katrina Doran, a mosaic and sculpture artist. She gave us an introduction and brief demo into the history of mosaics as well as showing some of her work, tools, and a glimpse into her process. That was a very interesting, educational way to spend the evening! So, with that fresh on my brain, I decided to sketch from one of the photos I took this evening for my face-of-the-day. Below you can see Katrina brandishing one of her mosaic tools as she taught the group some of her basics.

Probably within the next week I’ll post more of the snapshots I got during her lecture/demo. There isĀ much to learn on mosaics! When I get the time I would really like to embark on a mosaic project– or perhaps at minimum, incorporate mosaicĀ into a mixed-media painting. Alas, tonight I shall simply share my sketch: